Food Hubs

Sixty-two percent of consumers are more likely to buy food and beverages described as local, and 57% seek out restaurants offering locally sourced products, according to Technomic. More than half of consumers say local foods taste better, and nearly as many agree local foods are higher in quality and less processed. Meeting this demand is challenging. Connecting small to medium sized growers with the buyers who are looking for local produce can be complex. Farmers and buyers grapple with everything from pricing strategy, distribution, food safety, seasonality, availability of supply, quality and consistency of product.

Food hubs have emerged to help address these challenges and connect farmers to markets seeking their products. Food hubs aggregate, distribute, and market source-identified food products from local and regional producers into wholesale, retail, and institutional buyers. No two hubs look the same. They can focus on any number of farm products – fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, specialty goods and/or value added products. They range from large warehouse facilities to online marketplaces to processing facilities to technical assistance providers.

A food hub is often launched because a farmer, buyer, nonprofit, community organization or planning group has a vision of strengthening the local supply chain in their region. We help these groups conduct studies to determine the optimal operating model for a food hub given their goals and regional context, assess the financial viability of these potential food hubs, and develop robust business plans to launch these enterprises.

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New Venture Advisors is a team of business consultants specializing in local food system planning and new enterprise development.

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Food Hub Projects

Alachua County Fresh Food Pathways Program

Gainesville, FL

Alachua County is developing a Plan to create a successful Food Hub that benefits the community, local farmers, and institutional food purchasers. The Fresh Food Pathways project is based on previous efforts to map and respond to emergency food needs during COVID-19, an institutional commitment to Good Food Purchasing Program standards, and the County Commission’s FY 2022 Strategic Guide. The project aims to address the root cause of issues and inequities in the food system by bolstering the local food system to increase community engagement, control, and health. One way is by creating an Aggregation and Distribution Center for local, nutritious, and sustainably sourced food. New Venture Advisors will conduct a feasibility study and provide and develop a framework for a Food Hub that will primarily sell local food to institutional food purchasers while serving economically challenged and marginalized communities lacking access to local, fresh, healthy, and affordable food in Alachua County. (2025)

Food Network Project Feasibility Study

Newark, NJ

The Newark Alliance and its Members work collaboratively to cement Newark, New Jersey’s status as one of America’s most diverse, prosperous, exciting, and equitable cities. An aspect of its mission is to promote inclusive economic growth, entrepreneurship, quality job development, better health and environmental health outcomes through the food sector. The Alliance has a vision to create a central hub that anchors many of the functions needed for a thriving and equitable Newark food system, with additional locations that meet the needs of the communities in which they reside, and that support new and improved family-sustaining jobs. New Venture Advisors conducted a feasibility study to determine the most strategic approach to this development in terms of its components, facilities, programs, partners, and operating structure. (2024)

Santa Clara County Community Food Hub Feasibility Study

San Jose, CA

Veggielution partnered with NVA to assess the feasibility of opening a food hub and determine the location, operating model, and components that could best serve the diverse groups of food entrepreneurs and farmers in the region surrounding San José. The project led to dual outcomes, supporting Veggielution in developing a plan to build additional assets at their park location and supporting Veggielution in collaborative work with regional partners to identify the structure and long-term objectives of a true regional food hub. (2024)

Tulsa Cooperative Food Hub Feasibility Study

Tulsa, OK

A collaboration of organizations including RG Foods, Food on the Move, Fresh Rx, the Tulsa Farmers’ Market, and Oasis Fresh Market have identified that supply chain challenges present significant obstacles for small grocery stores and food outlets in and around Tulsa County. These organizations are spearheading an effort to develop a regional food hub to meet these needs and enhance the local food system. New Venture Advisors conducted a feasibility study to evaluate the potential of a food hub and cooperative buying group and design a facility to meet the needs of its future members and the stakeholders they serve. (2023)

Southern Illinois Mobile Market Feasibility Study

Chicago, IL

Faith in Place empowers people of diverse faiths and spiritualities to be leaders in advancing environmental and racial justice, providing resources to educate, connect, and advocate for healthier communities. The organization has a history of working with sustainable food systems throughout the state of Illinois and is leading an initiative to develop a network of mobile markets in the southernmost 17 counties to assess the feasibility of a mobile market. The program will be a collaboration with Food Works and LEAF Food Hub to improve access to food while also supporting local food producers in these rural areas of the state. New Venture Advisors conducted a feasibility study to assess the needs, partners, and locations necessary for this mobile market network and  created a plan and toolkit to support the expansion of the network. (2024)

Roaring Fork Valley Regional Food Facilities Feasibility & Design

Basalt, CO

In 2008, Pitkin County purchased and renovated the Emma Store Buildings – a historic site once used to store and distribute food. They are beloved by the community, and there is strong interest in examining the feasibility of returning them to use as a food hub serving agricultural producers, food access organizations, and other community needs. The County collaborated with LIFT-UP (a regional food bank and food pantry operator) and the Aspen Community Foundation to evaluate how these buildings could be repurposed, along with other facilities in the Aspen area, to provide a more comprehensive food system infrastructure supporting hunger relief, agricultural production, food entrepreneurship, economic development, and space for the community to come together over food. New Venture Advisors led a study to design a regional food infrastructure development strategy that will be responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community. (2023)

Download the report.

Bushel & Peck Food Hub Feasibility Study

Charles Town, WV

Jefferson G.A.P. Coalition launched Bushel & Peck in 2017 to provide better access to healthy foods for all people in Jefferson County, to boost the farm and food economy, and to drive downtown revitalization in historic Charles Town, West Virginia. The store is successful and sustainable with a solid customer base. It plays a critical role in supplying healthy foods to local families during the pandemic, and the Coalition sees the potential to reach an even larger customer base by expanding beyond its retail business into wholesale, serving institutional customers, restaurants and other grocery chains with fresh produce sourced from across the region. New Venture Advisors is exploring the viability of occupying vacant and under-utilized downtown buildings and lots to site food enterprises that may include indoor and outdoor food markets, community gardens, bulk food distribution, and a commercial kitchen, based on the needs identified and prioritized by the community. (2023)

Food Bank Council of Michigan Senior Food Access Pilot Program

Lansing, MI

Food Bank Council of Michigan (FBCM) is the partner state association for the seven Feeding America-affiliated food banks across the state of Michigan. FBCM’s mission is to create a food secure state through advocacy, resource management, and collaboration among stakeholders and Michigan’s unified food bank network. The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated that many seniors experience barriers to food access because they have limited access to transportation or are located in remote areas. In partnership with its partner food banks, FBCM seeks to increase food access to seniors and test a model whereby fresh food and shelf-stable groceries can be home-delivered to residents throughout the state. New Venture Advisors assisted in designing a pilot program in southern Michigan to demonstrate the viability of this model, in partnerships with local food banks, partner agencies, and last-mile delivery partners. (2023)

NMU Food Hub Feasibility Study

Marquette, MI

The Northern Michigan University Center for Rural Health and several project partners aspire to create a shared use aggregation, distribution, and light produce processing facility serving Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (U.P.). There is currently limited food system infrastructure in the U.P.; therefore, most food consumed in the region is dependent upon transport from Lower Michigan and Wisconsin. The facility would increase the resiliency of the U.P. food system and support the health and wellness of residents by increasing sales and accessibility of locally-grown and value-added foods, and decreasing costs to do so through charitable distribution networks. New Venture Advisors conducted an expanded feasibility study that explored whether a collaborative aggregation and distribution system network across the U.P. and a central warehouse facility could support solutions to existing system stressors and could be economically viable for the participating organizations. (2022)

McHenry County College Food Hub

Crystal Lake, IL

The Center for Agrarian Learning (CAL) at McHenry County College offers a non-credit community education in farm viability, an Entrepreneurial Agriculture degree program, and operates a greenhouse and farm as part of its programming. CAL has a vision for adding a food hub to aggregate products grown on campus and from area farms to create a year-round sales channel for local producers looking to increase production or venture into wholesale markets. The program will be one of the few campus-based food hubs in the U.S., training the next generation of food system professionals with real-world experience from production to wholesale, and potentially retail. New Venture Advisors conducted a feasibility study to determine how this college-based food hub can serve small-to medium sized producers in the region. (2022)

Appalachian Harvest Herb Hub Business Plan

Duffield, VA

In 2017, Appalachian Sustainable Development (ASD) founded the Appalachian Harvest Herb Hub (AHHH), a social enterprise that aims to create a thriving herbal economy in Central Appalachia, while conserving at-risk plants through profitable cultivation. The AHHH seeks to build a network of forest farmers and medicinal herb farmers, who can sustainably cultivate these botanicals to meet growing demand. New Venture Advisors assisted ASD in developing a financially viable business model for AHHH to reduce long-term dependencies on grant funding. (2022)

East End Food Hub Facility Plan

Southampton, NY

Since 2010, East End Food Institute has supported, promoted, and advocated for the farmers, vintners, fishermen, and other food producers and providers on the East End of Long Island. Since New Venture Advisors completed a food hub feasibility study in 2015, the organization has operated a cafe, workshop space, commercial kitchen, and processing space at Stony Brook University while building the foundation for a more integrated food system. New Venture Advisors also assisted the Institute in establishing the East End Food Hub as a centralized point of aggregation, processing, and distribution for produce and products from regional farms and food businesses. (2021) 

Oahu Food Hub Expansion Planning

Honolulu, HI

The Oahu Food Hub is a multi-use facility serving entrepreneurs, agricultural producers and organizations in the good food space on the island of Oahu. This new development will house Oahu Fresh, a well-known local produce distributor, and several businesses in the Ke Nui Kitchen group including their rapidly-growing bagel brand and direct-to-consumer food box program. The facility will contain private and shared commercial kitchen spaces, dedicated storage, a local produce aggregation and distribution hub, and private and shared office, meeting, and related spaces. New Venture Advisors assisted the owners in developing operating model alternatives and designing a facility that meets their needs today and plans for future growth. (2021)

Worcester Regional Food Hub

Worcester, MA

The Worcester Regional Food Hub has been a collaborative effort between the Regional Environmental Council of Central Massachusetts (REC) and the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, made possible by the generous support of the Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts. The food hub, piloted as a kitchen incubator and aggregation hub in 2016, sought to enhance the regional economy through improved producer and consumer networks, targeted workforce development programs, and business incubation. NVA assisted REC and its partners in assessing the market and developing a business plan for the hub’s next stage of growth. (2019)

Kane County Food Hub

Geneva, IL

Kane County Planning engaged New Venture Advisors to assist in the development of a food hub that serves Kane County residents as well as the greater Chicago foodshed. A feasibility study identified a multi-million dollar opportunity to aggregate from Kane County farmers and distribute to customers across the region. A unique business model ensured the hub’s products will reach Kane County low-income residents and institutions that serve these communities. An owner/operator was selected and the food hub piloted operations in 2018. New Venture Advisors developed a strategic plan and roadmap to guide the food hub’s first full year of operations. (2019)  Read the report here.

Central Appalachian Food Enterprise Corridor

Abingdon, VA

Appalachian Sustainable Development and ACENet are two of the longest standing and most established food hubs in the U.S. These pioneering organizations recognize that between them is a corridor of farms and food businesses across VA, WV, KY and OH that may all benefit from coordinated marketing, operations, logistics and transportation services. Through funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission, the organizations have embarked on a joint planning effort to explore models that might enable them to operate more profitably in their rural settings. NVA assisted in this effort by highlighting examples of innovative, successful models that have been established worldwide in order to connect rural, dispersed agricultural producers to mainstream markets. (2018)

Northwest Kansas Food Hub

Bird City, KS

The Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation and Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center, Inc. assessed the viability of a food hub to be located in Northwest Kansas. The project was instrumental in discerning whether a permanent food hub is a viable option for bringing more fresh produce to the Kansas market. The project team conducted this study on its own, using NVA’s Do-It-Yourself Feasibility Study Toolkit that features coaching from NVA through a 10-step work plan. (2018)

California Food Hub Network

Davis, CA

University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program is a statewide program committed to strengthening California’s agriculture by advancing knowledge of the science of sustainability, supporting farmers and ranchers working to develop more sustainable agricultural practices, and assisting communities in building strong and healthy regional food systems. UC SAREP convenes a collaborative learning group of California food hubs which NVA assisted in evaluating potential network models. (2017)

Wyoming Statewide Food Hub Network


New Venture Advisors worked with Bould Development and the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union to assess the strategy and feasibility of a network of food hubs across the state of Wyoming. The study evaluated potential hubs in six distinct clusters across the state, and recommended how the hubs would transact with each other. (2016)

Western New York Food Hub

Eden, NY

New Venture Advisors conducted a Feasibility Study with Field & Fork Network and in partnership with Cornell University Cooperative Extension. The study recommended the launch of a Western New York Food Hub. New Venture Advisors worked with the project team on an operator search, and then developed the food hub business plan alongside the chosen operator, Eden Valley Growers, a longstanding farmer-owned cooperative in Eden, NY. The hub launched in 2015. (2015)

Southern Wisconsin Food Hub Feasibility Study

Madison, Wi

New Venture Advisors worked with Dane County Planning and Development Department to assess the size and viability of a local food hub. New Venture Advisors completed the Southern Wisconsin Food Hub Feasibility Study in 2011, recommending that the county move forward in the development of a food hub, based on high levels of demand and supply identified. The business was launched in 2013 as the Wisconsin Food Hub Cooperative. (2011)

 Whatcom County Food System Plan

In 2021, the Whatcom County Food System Committee conducted a community food assessment that pointed to key opportunities to build a more robust and resilient regional food system. New Venture Advisors partnered with Whatcom County staff and the Food System Committee to draft a Whatcom County Food System Plan that builds upon these findings. This Plan focuses on five key goals for building a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient food system, and was informed by an inclusive community engagement process. The Food System Plan will provide the county with a policy roadmap that will strengthen the local food system for years to come. (2023)

 Whatcom Local Food Campus

The Whatcom Community Foundation invests in activities and organizations that improve the ability of people to help themselves, increase connections among people, and take cooperative approaches to community issues. WCF is exploring the development of a local food campus on a waterfront property that would become a multi-tenant site, anchored by a collaborative production kitchen benefitting food access, school system, and community organizations. The goal is strengthening Whatcom County’s local food system by promoting health equity, forging tangible strategic connections between food production organizations, and helping farmers connect with institutional markets. The facility will also feature an incubation kitchen, demonstration kitchen, event and classroom space, collaborative office and conference facilities, and housing.  New Venture Advisors developed the business case for this ambitious project and continues to support its development through engagement and operational development. (2023)